In Memory
...of all SCOOP cats who have passed away and now live in our hearts. We miss them so much.
​Leia, 2007 - July 2018
Jack, Spring 2002 - June 2017
​Tia, 2008 - April 2017
Jade, 2000 - January 2017
Honey, 2015 - January 2017
Duke, Spring 2002 - December 31, 2017
Milo, Spring 2006 - October 25, 2016
Oliver (Oli), March 2002 - August 2016
Jill, June 2002 - July 2016
Ray, 1999 - March 2016
Hobo, 2008 - February 27, 2016
Stan, 2011 - February 17, 2016
Blue, 2005 - January 2016
Zena, 1999 - December 28, 2015 | Sweet girl—loved and missed by many.
​Bo-Bo, March 2010 - September 2015 | So lovable and full of mischief. You left us much too soon.
Tippi, prior to July 2012 - August 12, 2015 | Sweet and gentle with a dog for a best friend. Buddy misses you. We all do.
Max, May 2000 - April 25, 2015 | Max, you were so loving although you suffered many illnesses. We will never forget how you crawled in our arms and purred during your last hours. Forever loved and missed, sweet boy.
Caspurr, Spring 2010 (?) - April 20, 2015 | What a handsome big guy! I will forever miss you cocked head as you "talked" with me nightly. Thank you for protecting little Jazzy who was all alone.
Skye, Spring 2008 (?) - April 18, 2015 | You and your kitten, Lil, were such a beautiful sight playing outdoors against the winter sky. We hope you're with the baby who you grieved for many weeks. You always will be in our hearts, beautiful girl.
Romie, Summer 2004 (joined us as an adult) - January 4, 2015 | Romie, you went from a shy boy to a loving and funny kitty. We will never forget you with your two best friends, Opie and Oliver. While Opie now has you, Oliver misses you greatly, as do we. We will forever open the door to your area very slowly like we always did in anticipation of you being right there waiting for your snack!
Randy, November 2008 (joined us as an adult) - January 4, 2015 | Randy, you were very special to us and such a gentle boy. You were a survivor! We know you suffered greatly after being abandoned and we hope we brought you the same happiness that you gave us for 6 years. We will never ever forget you.
Josie (KayDee, Jo-Jo), April 2007 - December 13, 2014 | Oh, dear Jo-Jo, you were our first sudden and unexpected passing. You left us as you slept at just 7 years old—and we'll never understand why. Your tender and gentle ways touched us all. Always in our hearts, sweet girl.
Gabe, Spring 2006 - June 13, 2014 | Gabe, you were one of a kind—so funny and loving. Your legacy will never be forgotten.You were taken much too soon by a rare cancer. You broke our hearts.
Stewie, March 2007 (joined us as an adult) - February 22, 2014 | Stewie, you brought so much joy to us with your sweet and loving personality. From the moment we met, you purred even though you were severely injured. We will never forget how you beat the odds twice. You left us too soon and we will always miss you.
Star, August 2002 (joined us as an adult) - January 20, 2014 | Quite possibly the sweetest cat ever born. So gentle and loving despite many rough years on her own. Never leaving our side—your absence has left a huge void in our home and hearts.
Pete, February 2008 (joined us as an adult) - September 4, 2013 | A fearless and brave defender of the people he loved. So sweet and loving. There will never be another Pete and our hearts will miss him forever.
Pippi, April 1, 2012 - June 22, 2013 | A life much too brief. Pippi, your brother needed you in life and in death. We will never forget the sweet, happy and playful little calico. Forever missed.
Opie, 2001 - June 22, 2013 | Always cheerful, spunky, and full of personality with a freckled nose—a true pleasure every single day. Missed so very much.
Squirrel, March 2002 - January 25, 2013 | Perfect Squirrel, loved by all, sweet and gentle. We miss you more than words can say. Your buddy, Mickey, grieved for you.
Jackson, April 1, 2012 - December 12, 2012 | Jackson, little man, you touched the hearts of so many people—and broke hearts. You paved the way for other kittens and cats with leukemia and we will be forever grateful.
Timi, March 2001 (joined us as an adult) - July 14, 2012 | Our precious cat whose presence and inspiration was the force behind SCOOP. Timi, you gave up the battle after Mikey died and we hope you're together again.
Mikey, 2004 (joined us as an adult) - 7/8/2012 | Such a sweet and gentle cat. Mikey, you left us too soon. You fought your illness with such dignity right to the very end. We'll miss you always.
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Toby (Wobes), 10/4/1996 - 5/21/2009 | One in a million. You took our hearts with you and every single day you're in our thoughts. Things are not the same without you, sweet girl. We miss you so much. "Death lies on her like an untimely frost upon the sweetest flower of the field." William Shakespeare

Izzy (Bowey), 1996 - 2/10/2009 | Our sweet, funny, and handsome boy. You fought every illness that came your way with such dignity. We miss you, Izzy. "Grief makes one hour ten." William Shakespeare

Hope, 1996 (joined us as an adult) - 3/12/2008 | Our beautiful and sensitive girl. One day I looked at a very sad and scared face and said, "There's always hope, sweet girl." You were then our "Hope." You suffered at the hands of extremely cruel people, yet came to trust again. Thank you for loving us. "There is a sacredness in tears. They are not the mark of weakness, but of power. They speak more elequently than ten thousand tongues. They are the messengers of overwhelming grief, of deep contrition, and of unspeakable love." Washington Irving

Oscar, 2002 (joined us as an adult) - 11/21/2007 | Our very shy yet lovable boy. We will never visit your window without seeing your handsome face rubbing against the glass. You will never be forgotten. We hope for a cure for FeLV. "Tears are the silent language of grief." Voltaire

Lil, October 2008 - 8/26/2009 | Little Lil, forever a beautiful kitten. Lil, your life was so brief, your memory so huge. We miss you more than words can say. We're honored that you and your sweet mom chose us to love and care for you both. "To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die." Thomas Campbell

Perry, ? - 6/29/2008 | A handsome feral boy whose daily visits we will always miss. "There is no grief like the grief that does not speak." Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Markie, 6/2007 - 11/29/2007 | Tiny Markie, fostered for Cat-Tales Rescue and loved very much in her brief time she was with us. She broke our hearts and will always be remembered. Your brother cried for you, sweet little one. "Grief remains one of the few things that has the power to silence us." Anna Quindlen

Joey, 9-23-2008 (joined us as an adult) - 1-26-2010 | Joey, with us just 16 months, but he touched many hearts in that brief time. Not expected to live the night when rescued—neglected to the point of near death—yet loved everyone he met. Joey, your passing devastated us. We miss you so much.